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The Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the oldest American breeds and also one of the most popular. These dual-purpose chickens are an easy choice when selecting birds for your flock.  They are gentle, social and good with kids. Every time we are working out in the yard, we will typically have a Barred Rock near-by. They are good layers and lay a good amount of large brown egg. These are sex-linked and have an 80% accuracy at 1 day old.

Barred Rock (Plymouth Rock) Chicks

SKU: PBR1234
  • Category: Dual Purpose
    Origin: United States
    Egg-laying ability: Good, Large, Brown, 250/yr
    Broodiness: Low-moderate
    Meat production: Good, Roosters: 9.5 lbs, Hens: 7.5 lbs
    Cold tolerance: Good-Exceptional (depends on comb size)
    Heat tolerance: Good
    Predator evasion: Good to exceptional
    Foraging ability: Good
    Toleration for confinement: Good
    Temperament: Docile
    Aggression toward flock members: Moderate
    Noise level: Moderate

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